Monday, September 30, 2013

Herb Preservation

Autumn has arrived and my outdoor plants are in danger of freezing. Which means I have a massive amount of work to do! I'm getting especially worried about my precious basil plants. I have entirely too many to bring inside for the winter, but I don't want to just throw them out, either. So, what do I do?

Well, I just found this article on Super Healthy Kids that shows how to dry basil. And the fact that my kiddos can help me with this project has me sold! I'll let you know how it turns out.

Have any of you home-dried your garden herbs? If so, how? (I've heard of people drying them in the microwave, in dehydrators, the oven...) Or do you freeze them? How do you involve your kids? Let's get some conversation going! Leave your ideas as comments.


1 comment:

  1. I've never dried my basil (although my husband has), but last year I made over a dozen jars of pesto with our basil and froze it for the winter. We had awesome Chicken Pesto Pasta throughout the winter. :)
