Friday, September 20, 2013

I Am...

My daughter came home from Kindergarten last week excited because she just learned how to write "I am..." sentences. While she sat at the kitchen table and practiced writing things like, "I am girl," and "I am happy," I opened a card from my mother-in-law. Just imagine how far my jaw dropped when the front of the card read, "I am Woman. I am Invincible. I am Tired."

It got me thinking about all the things we are as mothers, all the ways we identify ourselves. And perhaps, more importantly, the way my self-identification says something to my children. If I dwell upon the "I am Tired," then it quickly turns to "I am Cranky." Know what I mean? But if I keep "I am Tired," linked with "I am Invincible," or (more honestly) "I am Happy," then I'm buoyed.

Today I'd say, "I am Mother. I am Busy. I am Amused. I am Beloved."

What are you?

Bethany Tippin - Publicity Coordinator

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